Saturday, March 8, 2008

Music Education--just a brief thought

I hope any school I ever teach in has a good music program. When we talk about literacy in schools, most often discuss the importance of efficiently reading textbooks, novels, classnotes, and things of that nature. However, I do think a school with a good music education program should teach students how to read music. I enjoy singing, and I'm glad I get to do it at school and occasionally at home. I do not play any instruments which is really unfortunate. I can read music to a certain extent, but not well enough to teach anyone how to do the same. The earlier children learn to read music, the easier it may be for them to pick up other instruments and/or sing a variety of songs. I think this is a really great thing, and I am willing to help students achieve this with my limited knowledge (and hope that one of them will be able to teach me piano).


Dr. Luongo said...


This is such an excellent point.

Also, think about the connection of music and math... If a student can read music, he may be able to apply this to math concepts.

Thanks for the post!

catarina said...

Hey, I agree with you! I also love to sing and I wish I played an instrument but I don't. My little brother plays the trumpet and I am very proud of him. Music is very important not only does it help creativity it also tells a lot about a culture! I use a lot of music in my lessons to help students understand that specific culture or tradition!
:0)- Catarina