Friday, March 21, 2008

Inspired by my upcoming trip...

I'm leaving for Rome, Italy on Sunday. I can't even believe it!

I decided to do a little research on the Italian education system. There's some really good information-including teacher education. It's interesting to see the differences and similarities between Italy and our country.

Have a happy Easter, and break from St. Peter's--we need it :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Access:Quick Reflection

I am extremely impressed with the My Access online writing program. We spent time in class today discussing its advantages and disadvantages. I personally do not see flaws with the program (we had a one hour demonstration, so there wasn't really an opportunity to find the flaws). Any aspect of the program which may seem like the computer is doing all the work can be disabled. However, the prewriting tools and tips are used effectively and I feel they should be as the students' fingertips.

I can see myself integrating this program into my curriculum. I will be teaching history, and assigning writing prompts using this site will make my life easier (and will also make me look technologically savvy!)

Check it out!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Music Education--just a brief thought

I hope any school I ever teach in has a good music program. When we talk about literacy in schools, most often discuss the importance of efficiently reading textbooks, novels, classnotes, and things of that nature. However, I do think a school with a good music education program should teach students how to read music. I enjoy singing, and I'm glad I get to do it at school and occasionally at home. I do not play any instruments which is really unfortunate. I can read music to a certain extent, but not well enough to teach anyone how to do the same. The earlier children learn to read music, the easier it may be for them to pick up other instruments and/or sing a variety of songs. I think this is a really great thing, and I am willing to help students achieve this with my limited knowledge (and hope that one of them will be able to teach me piano).